Medical Qigong Therapy and Clinical Oncology
History of Cancer Treatments
The ancient doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine understood about the formation of tumors. The earliest records found were inscriptions recorded on “Oracles of Bone,” unearthed from the ruins of the Yin Dynasty (16th–11th century B.C.). The word “ai” (cancer) first appeared in the Chinese Medical classic “Wei Ji Bao Shu” during the Song Dynasty, in the year 1171.
According to the ancient Chinese Medical Text A General Treatise on the Etiology and Symptomatology of Diseases, “a tumor is one of the many diseases that successfully responds to Dao Yin (Medical Qigong) Exercises and Meditations.” Therefore, in a Traditional Chinese Medical Clinic, in order to prevent the formations of cysts, tumors, or cancer, and to increase the strength of the body’s immune system, a Doctor of T.C.M. will encourage his or her patients to monitor their diet, maintain emotional stability, increase physical exercises through Medical Qigong Prescriptions, and avoid exposure to various external and internal pollutants.
From a Western Medical perspective, tumors and cancer are also considered multifaceted diseases. They are generally viewed as being created and formed through the constant bombardment, attack and weakening of the tissues. This is caused by the following 3 factors:
- A congenital tendency towards specific factors/inherited weakness.
- Exposure to Radiation, Environmental Pollutants, and/or Chemical Poisoning.
- An inability to repair weakened DNA, leading to uncontrolled replication.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cancer cells are considered infant bodies which absorb nourishment from the mother body for their own growth, thus they are called “Pathogenic or Evil Embryos.” Cancer cells are actually components of the “original” or “mother” body.
Categorization of Tumors
In Chinese Medicine, tumors and cancer are commonly referred to as a “Retention of Mass.” Retention has the meaning of “Stagnation.” They originate from flowing substances within the body such as Qi, Blood, Phlegm, and food. These substances stagnate when they become attacked by pathogenic factors and gradually take the form of a lump as a result of excessive accumulation. If the lump subsides spontaneously, it is commonly referred to as a cyst or benign tumor (although there are many benign cysts and tumors which persist indefinitely).
Benign Tumors
Concerning the process of development, a benign tumor will grow slowly, and can stop growing or disappear by itself. A benign tumor also grows in expansive ways. Its margin is clearly defined with firm boundaries and is easily manipulated (through palpation). There is no evidence in temperature differentiation between the skin surrounding a benign tumor and that of the normal skin tissue.
There often are no symptoms surrounding its internal location. However, as the tumor grows in certain areas of the patient’s body, it can disrupt the functional activity of the organ(s) it is affecting. Benign tumors have been known to cause bleeding and inflammation. If the tumor is located within the endocrine glands, it can cause an abnormal function within the gland itself. This location within the endocrine glands does not usually endanger the patient’s life. Benign tumors can, however, become life threatening if their location compresses specific areas of the patient’s brain or vital organs.
Malignant Tumors
Concerning the process of development, malignant tumors grow very fast. In a very short time period, there is evidence of enlargement (potentially doubling every two months). Degeneration, festering and hemorrhaging often accompany malignant tumors. A malignant tumor is infiltrative in its growth with no clearly defined boundary. Its appearance is irregular and fastened (not easy to move through palpation). The skin temperature surrounding the malignant tumor is considered energetically “Hot,” as it is warmer than the normal surrounding tissue.
Most of the malignant tumors either metastasize to nearby or distant areas of the body. The body’s symptoms include fever, pain, anemia, fatigue and general weakness. In many cases, this condition, if not treated, is considered terminal. Malignant tumor or cancer can be divided into two main categories:
- A Carcinoma: This is a malignant growth or tumor that occurs in the epithelial tissue (the outer surface or first layer of tissue that lines the body’s cavities, as well as the principle tubes and passageways leading to the exterior of the body). Skin cancer, esophageal squamous cancer, adenocarcinoma of the Stomach and breast cancer all belong to this type of carcinoma. A carcinoma may affect any organ or part of the body, and spreads by direct extension or through the lymphatic system or bloodstream.
- A Sarcoma: This is a malignant growth or tumor that occurs within the connective or mesenchymal tissue. It may affect the muscles, bones, fat, blood vessels, lymph, kidneys, bladder, liver, lungs, spleen, and parotid glands. Rhabdomyosarcoma (sarcoma of the muscles), osteosarcoma (sarcoma of the bones), lymphosarcoma (sarcoma of the lymphatic system) all belong to this type of sarcoma.
Three Formations of Cancer Growth
According to Dr. Pan Mingji, Director of the Fuzhou Cancer Institute of Integration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, there are three forms of cancer growth: Expansive Growth, Infiltrative Growth and Exophytic Growth.
- Expansive Growth: These types of tumor cells crowd together on certain parts of the body proliferating and growing constantly, expanding towards the outside. The cells of the surrounding tissue form a wall in order to resist the tumor’s expansion. This becomes the external membrane of the tumor which has an evident boundary with the normal tissue. Tumor growth begins in this way in the early stages of both benign tumors and malignant sarcomas.
- Infiltrative Growth: These types of cancer cells, in addition to grouping as a mass, separately invade the intercellular space and tubular tissue of normal cells. They establish their foundation within the tissues, proliferating daily, expanding outward with no boundary between the cancer tumor and normal tissue. Since there is no surrounding wall of membrane the growth spreads in mass. Malignant tumors, especially carcinoma growth, infiltrate in this way.
- Exophytic Growth: These types of cancer cells occur on the skin, body cavity or gastrointestinal mucosa. Often forming on the surface of the body’s tissues through papillary masses and projecting outward on the skin and mucosa. Polyp, papilla-shape tumors, papilloma, gingival cancer, esophagal cancer, stomach cancer and intestinal cancer all grow in this way.
Benign tumors do not spread but only grow in an expansive or exopathic way. However, the malignant tumor is different, as the cancer cells do not remain in their original location but expand from the mass outward. This expansion extends into other organs and tissues by way of the body’s lymphatic plexus and Blood circulation. This phenomenon is known as “metastasizing.”
Etiology, The Six Pathogenic “Evils” That Cause Cancer
The following is an analysis of the causes of tumor formation. Traditional Chinese Medicine maintains the concept that a tumor is a “Systemic” disease (affecting the whole body). The causes of a tumor can be summarized as a disorder of the internal organs caused by emotional strains, and an imbalance of the viscera which has allowed the “Pathogenic Evils” to enter the body and obstruct the channels and collaterals. These Pathogenic Evils cause problems which may eventually lead to the stagnation of Blood and Qi, developing into tumors. The pathology of cancer is as follows:
- Qi Stagnation: Emotional strains, depression of Liver Qi or external Pathogenic Evil factors can lead to a stagnation of Qi. Long term Qi Stagnation can cause stagnation of Blood, which will eventually cause clots. It is known that pathogenic Cold and Heat, and the prevailing Pathogenic Evil factors will inevitably cause Blood clots.
- Blood Stagnation: Since Blood and Qi flow together, the obstruction of Qi can lead to an interference in Blood circulation. This interference gradually leads to Blood stasis; Blood stasis is always further complicated by stasis of Qi. Blood stasis is sometimes referred to as “Dead Blood”, due to the fact that the Blood is not moving. When Dead Blood becomes stagnant in a certain area of the body, it eventually develops into an immovable mass or lump.
- Retention of Toxic Dampness: A weakness of the Spleen and Stomach, as well as indigestion, can cause retention of fluid in the body. Long term fluid retention will produce toxic materials. These Toxic materials can accumulate and form lumps.
- Retention of Phlegm: Functional disorders of the Lungs and Spleen lead to poor consumption of watery food and poor distribution of body fluid. This fluid retention will cause Phlegm, especially when it is complicated by Excess Heat. If Phlegm is unable to move upward and be dispersed out of the body, it collects and stagnates. The stagnation of Phlegm in the Lung leads to asthma. The stagnation of Phlegm in the Stomach causes gastric disorder and nausea. If Phlegm goes beneath the skin, it will take the form of a movable mass or lump.
- Toxin Attack: The “Toxic Evils” may come from poisonous external environments (exposure to chemicals, asbestos, ultraviolet rays, radiation, etc.) or may be generated by the stagnation of Excess Heat within the body. This Excessive Heat causes abnormal fusion and cell growth within the body, leading to cancer formation and a systemic breakdown of normal cell growth.
- Weakness or Deficiency of Energy: Deficiency of both Qi and Blood, as well as a weakness of Yuan Qi, will make the body more vulnerable and susceptible to the formation of “new growth”. When pathogenic “evils” enter the body, they damage the Blood and Qi. If the Yuan Qi cannot be restored, the disease will lead to a vicious, destructive cycle, making the individual more and more debilitated.
These six pathological changes may occur either alone or in combination: i.e., the stasis of Qi and the stagnation of Blood, coagulation of Phlegm and the retention of Toxic Dampness, mutual Phlegm retention and Blood Stasis, strength of the pathogenic evils and weakness of the body’s Yuan Qi.
The choice of which Medical Qigong therapy to use should be based on differentiation of symptoms and signs. Because cancers are caused mainly by emotional strains, as well as the strength of the pathogenic evils and the weakness of the patient’s healthy energy, clinical therapy should be focused on Tonifying and reinforcing the patient’s vital energy, and by Purging and reducing the strength of evil pathogenic factors.
The emotional cluster which developed the
Tumor must first be energized, then dissolved.
Emotional Components of Cancer Formation
From the clinical perspective, if the cancer is internally induced through emotional suppression, there will be a series of emotional transitions that the Medical Qigong Doctor will observe in its pathology. For example, when there is an accumulation of negative emotions, the patient’s body will sometimes begin to wall off this type of energy, creating an energetic cyst, instead of dissipating and disposing of the toxic Qi. The patient’s suppressed internal emotions will intensify the production and formation of the cyst, feeding the cancer cells, causing an uncontrolled, rapid growth rate.
Every day our bodies create potential tumors and cancer cells. The Macrophages or Monocytes (large phagocytes) in the immune system aggressively attack and dissolve them immediately once the body becomes aware of them. However, areas in the body which are armored in denial tend to attract and/or protect these distorted cells, and a “cluster” or mass may begin to form.
The phagocytes do not respond to these cluster formations when they are forming because the immune system is ignoring that particular area of the body. This is due to the fact that the tissue area in which the tumor is growing is in a state of emotional denial, or frozen in emotional shock. Emotional shock causes a release of endogenous opiates and corticosteroids, depleting white blood cells, which prevents phagocytes from protecting the body, and leads to the onset of infection and even formation of cancer cells.
Scientific studies based in China and the West have shown that stress can stimulate the neuroendocrine system to the extent that it leads to depression of the immune system. Furthermore, the creation and growth of cancer can be influenced by stress. Removal of psychological stress alone can alter the neuro-immunologic functioning of the body to the extent that it can change the course of cancer development.
In a patient with emotional blocks, chronic tension begins to interrupt energy flows. If the emotional block is deep and long standing, this tension will become a habit, and the capacity to express or discharge the trapped emotion becomes difficult.
Once this happens, the patient’s body awareness dims and his feelings slip away from being in a balanced state with his or her consciousness. These blocking patterns will directly and indirectly affect the patient’s posture, movement and growth. Changes will occur in temperature and skin tone, impeding not only chemical and mechanical energy but also life force energy as well. Because it is through our perception and belief structure that we energize our being, it is important to be able to fully experience deep emotional changes and release or discharge pathogenic emotions whenever possible. If the patient cannot do this alone, the Qigong doctor can initiate the change and maintain it with the appropriate Qigong prescriptions.
When cysts, tumors, or cancer are internally induced, they are formed from long-standing suppressed emotions which have become trapped within the tissue itself. These emotions are often anger, guilt, grief, shame, and disappointment. The energetically formed cyst, or tumors, will remain “walled off” until the emotional energy is dissipated. The cysts or tumors can lodge themselves anywhere, penetrating deep into the major viscera causing visceral dysfunction, or superficially lodging themselves beneath the skin.
If the nature of the emotional energetic matrix is negative, the patient will retain the energy of the injury, making it difficult to heal the trauma. If, however, the emotional matrix is positive, then the energy of the injury will be easily dispersed.
Dr. Xu, at the Xi Yuan Hospital, often spoke of how the patient’s deepest, darkest secrets are exposed through Medical Qigong practice, and that these secrets were usually the cause of the disease. Being emotionally upset and restricting the breath can cause the patient’s energy to stagnate or deviate in its flow. This is known as a Qi Deviations. Qi Deviations can complicate the condition of the disease by drawing more Qi to the patient’s symptoms. When the disease is compounded, patients usually begin to focus on their symptoms. This mental, emotionally reactive, and energetically focused concentration further compounds the disease, increasing its adverse effects.
Once the Qigong doctor’s energy reaches the cyst or tumor, the patient’s energetic resonance (which supports the formation of the tumor growth) will stop. This will cause the energy of the tumor to naturally begin to “unwind,” causing heat to become immediately released. This energetic dispersion will continue until the tumor is dispersed.
The underlying pathophysiological mechanism can be broken down into four components:
- The medium between the mind and matter (or body) is the emotions.
- The emotions cause neuropeptides to be released.
- The emotions (via neuropeptides) influence the direction and movement of Monocytes, sending them to various parts of the body.
- Monocytes/Phagocytes heal the body.
The neuropeptide receptor sites are located on the immune cells, linking the body’s immunity with the functions of the mind, emotion, and spirit. Neuropeptides are produced in response to the state of mind/emotion, and influence the state of health of all the internal organs.
Through “Dynamic” Medical Qigong training, Neuropeptides, in the form of endorphins, are released within the body’s system. This release of energy, as well as endorphins, helps to facilitate the patient’s healing.
Through the use of Medical Qigong Therapy, imagination, visualization and positive affirmation, areas of denial and subconscious energetic patterning can be altered and the energetic matrix which supports the tumor or cyst can be dissolved.
When a “healing session” occurs, the Qigong doctor’s external energy field envelops the patient’s “body field” so that the patient’s tissues can receive reprogrammed energetic patterns, which act as the informational structures needed to either rebuild or disperse its cells.
Cancer Formation and the Patient’s Mind, Emotions and Spirit
Emotions strongly influence the increase or decrease of tumor size, therefore it is also important to Regulate the patient’s mind, emotion and spirit. Only when the mind, emotion and spirit are free from distractions can a person control his or her negative emotions. Therefore, “Regulating the Mind” is considered the primary Medical Qigong technique used in order to teach patients how to relieve themselves from the dark abyss of their negative emotions.
This is to say that the patient must learn to let optimism prevail over pessimism. The practice of Medical Qigong not only cultivates vital energy and builds up the patient’s health, but also promotes the development of optimism as well as a quiescent mind. Tranquility and optimism promote a better circulation of both Blood and Qi, which strengthens the immune system, so that inhibited cancer cells will gradually perish.
While visiting in Maui, Hawaii, I came in contact with four people who each explained that they had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and had each been given two weeks to live. Each person had their own unique story as to how they had come to the Hawaiian Islands to die. What struck me as fascinating was the fact that each one of these individuals had either left successful but extremely stressful businesses, and/or long term abusive relationships, made amends the best they could with relationships from their past (those who had anger against them or those who they had hurt), and had come to paradise to live their last weeks in peace. That was several years ago! It seems that upon resolving all personal conflict, and leaving their stressful environment, their cancers went into remission. Several were now working as busboys or waitresses, enjoying a less stressful life, focused on simplicity and spiritual growth.
Stressful Life Activities and the Immune System
The activities of stress creates a flood of Adrenaline within the body. This occurs not only from the endings of the Vertebral Lumbar Division at the segment at the core viscera, but also from the core of the Adrenal Gland in the Medulla (which specifically is a Sympathetic Ganglion, and responds to stress by releasing Adrenaline in to the blood stream). The Adrenaline spreads as a hormone throughout the body and activates not only the body’s systems, but also the tissue hormones that respond to the Fight or Flight Syndrome.
When this happens, the immune system is then called to the body’s tissues to balance the whole stress mechanism and is therefore called away from its normal activities (which include monitoring cellular activity and fighting the growth of disease). A life of constant stress takes the immune system away from its normal function, putting it into the fight or flight syndrome, causing the patient to get sicker quicker. Meditation takes the patient out of the stress mode, shutting down the Adrenal Glands and allows the Immune System to return back to its normal function.
Unstable life activities resulting in stress and depression can easily cause Qi deviations. Any conflict produces anxiety; anxiety produces stress. Stress begins with an overexcitement of the nervous system and then slowly works its way deep into the body like wet cement, causing the shoulders and upper back to become tense and rigid. Stress can also result from happy occasions (such as weddings) and other normally pleasant events, when the patients life style is not properly balanced. This too can produce Qi Deviations and illness over time. The capacity to bear stress is a function of the strength of the nerves. When stress levels surpass the nervous system’s capacity to handle them, the nerves break down, resulting in all sorts of physical, mental and emotional disturbances. These disturbances, if unheeded can eventually lead to organ malfunction, cysts, tumors, cancer and premature death. In order to avoid such states, a balance between work and rest must be obtained.
At a conference of the International Society for Neuro-immunomodulation (The Effects of Stress and Depression on Physical Disease) Dr. Philip Gold, of the National Institute of Mental Health, stated that stress and depression send energy hormones; (example: cortisol) flowing into the bloodstream. These hormones, if unregulated, can destroy the appetite, cripple the immune system, shut down the processes that repair tissue, inhibit sleeping patterns, breakdown bone density, aid the onset of infection and even instigate cancer cell growth.
An individual’s emotional past determines their present state of health, both physical and emotional. Past emotional belief structures are responsible for both creating and healing diseases. Just as thoughts drift through the mind but do not become active until they reside within a belief structure, so emotional wounding resides within the tissues and cells waiting to be activated by emotional upheavals. Our thoughts become form via choices, manifesting within the body.
In American society, sharing traumatic wounds is often the first act of intimacy and bonding. It provides a common ground for relationship and supports the “pain structure” that enhances the relationship. People become addicted to empowering their wounds, which in turn supports and empowers the disease. This exchange of painful personal traumas is reinforced by receiving sympathy and strong empathy, rather than releasing the pain from the tissues. This desire for sharing one’s pain in order to receive love can lead to a habitual way of relating to those closest and dearest to the patient. When the patient feels taken for granted, or unappreciated, they may immediately resort to emotional responses and reactions elicited form past traumas. If the patient fails to receive the desired response, they may unconsciously create new trauma or wounding in order to get back the attention and love they need. This in turn can become an addiction, empowering old wounds and creating new ones, including illness. Thus the Spirit becomes divided to support the new belief structure, and the life force energy deviates from its assigned job of protecting the body, and illness is created. This is not a conscious process but an unconscious one, which needs to be brought into the patient’s awareness in order to be healed. Then and only then can the mind and spirit act as one unit directing the body’s Qi towards its proper function of healing.
Because energetic healing occurs in the present, not in the past, victims of past traumas will never heal if their energy continuously regresses to the armored traumatic belief structure.
Using Medical Qigong to Strengthen the Immune System
Many of the health benefits of Medical Qigong include the increased leukocyte production, stabilizing the body’s blood pressure, and an improved immune function. The immune system is not necessarily a true system, but is instead a function or response to the action of the phagocytes and hunter killer (HK) cells (neutrophils and macrophages), as well as the substances of the interferons and antibodies. These cells live in the Blood and lymph fluid, and are commonly known as the leukocytes (white blood cells), and the lymphocytes (lymph cells). Both the leukocytes and lymphocytes move into the body’s surrounding tissues as a part of the immune function. The purpose of these cells is to work together to defend the body from invasion of pathogenic factors. Their function is to identify, ingest, destroy and eliminate disease-causing organisms, as well as remove any and all dead, damaged or irregular cells.
Immune cells are produced in the lymph tissue and red bone marrow, and stored in the lymphatic organs and Blood. In order to perform their function of protecting and cleaning, these cells must circulate throughout the entire body through the capillaries and vessels that carry lymph fluid through the lymph nodes and the lymphatic organs of the thymus gland, Spleen, and tonsils, where the lymph fluid is filtered, cleansed of impurities and infused with new lymph cells.
In order for an external pathogen to affect the body, it must first pass through the protective layers of cells. Generally, the macrophages present within the tissues ingest the pathogens and dead tissues. This action of the macrophages is reinforced by the action and movement of the body’s Wei Qi. When a pathogenic intruder invades the body, it is the macrophages which are first to attack the intruder. If the macrophages are not strong enough, more Blood and fluid are brought to the area, which contain more immune cells. The increased fluid engorges the tissue, which brings more cellular activity. The increased Blood and cellular metabolism increases the local temperature. The immune cells try to break down and ingest the pathogens, creating a process which continues until the disease is eliminated.
The movements of Medical Qigong generate heat and soften the body’s connective tissues, they also encourage the flushing of the intercellular fluid through out the body’s tissues and organs. When combined with Breathing, Mental, and Postural Qigong exercises, the entire body is affected. These energetic Qigong actions will increase oxygenation of the Blood and improve circulation, thereby enhancing lymphocyte production, and strengthening the body’s immune system.
Cancer Treatment Methods
Tumor and cancer cells make their own room within the body’s tissues by crowding the normal tissues. The tumor and cancer cells grab energy providing nourishment for themselves, at the expense of the host, which is how they damage the patient’s body.
Medical Qigong Cancer Treatment methods are special techniques designed in order to Purge the energy that supports the tumor. These techniques are based on the six fundamental Qigong patterns mentioned previously. The design of these patterns stresses treating the Excess syndrome by Purgation. The rapid growth of healthy energy and the fast expulsion of evil factors should lead to normal body function restoration and create more vigorous metabolic activity. More nourishment can be absorbed, delivered and distributed throughout the body, leaving no room to feed tumor cells.
Cancer treatment methods are divided into three main applications in order to treat the patients body, mind emotion, and spirit.
- The First Application Method: To reinforce the patient’s body and Yuan Qi, as well as to treat cancer in accordance with physiological and pathological mechanisms, the Breath Regulating and Qi Reinforcing techniques are prescribed (e.g., the “Breathing and Fast Walking Method” is used to purge and dispel pathogenic evils). By walking fast and changing the normal breathing patterns, the cancer cells can be destroyed. This is because the dual action of shocking the system with more Qi and oxygen flowing through the body tends to stimulate the electromagnetic fields causing the tissues to become aroused.
- The Second Application Method: As for disturbances caused by mental and emotional factors, the “Deep Relaxed Breathing” Method should be applied to tranquilize the mind and keep the cerebral cortex protectively inhibited. The Deep Breathing Method is used in order to treat various cancers by changing the patient’s normal breathing patterns. By changing the normal breathing into “rapid exhaling,” “slow deep exhaling,” or “relaxed Toning,” Blood clots and tumors, whether stagnated or retained in the channels of the patient’s body, can be dissolved. This technique will have a special effect, if it is made by changing the speed of the Medical Qigong prescriptions, to function as a treatment of Excess syndrome, as well as a reinforcement of Yuan Qi. When prescribing Medical Qigong therapy, it is important to match the patient’s Yin Disease with a Yang Method of treatment, and a Yang Disease with a Yin Method of therapy. For example: rapid exhalation (a Yang Method) would be used when treating an abdominal mass caused by a Cold (Yin) condition.
- The Third Application Method: Finally, the aspirating method of Tone Resonating therapy is utilized in order to purge any residual “evil” pathogenic factors from the patient’s body. When beginning the Medical Qigong “Cancer Tone Therapy,” patients should not practice for long sessions each time. Performing time can be extended gradually with the increase of physical strength. As soon as possible, to bring the function of Medical Qigong exercises in treating cancers to peak efficiency, patients should practice no less than four hours (including 15 minute breaks) or even six hours each time. The patient can take a break after half an hour in order to avoid possible fatigue.
The Cancer Healing Sound Therapy Chart
In China, when treating Lung Cancer,
A patient would repeat the Healing Sound “Shang.”
Through various kinds of breathing and Fast Walking therapies, Qi can be energized to flow so vigorously through the Conception Vessel that the patient’s Yin and Yang is smoothed and their Lung Channels are strengthened. In the course of treating the tumor or cancer, True Qi (Zhen Qi) is fostered and the immunity of the body strengthened (Figure 3). Research from China supports that “persistent physical training activities, vigorous enough to increase a person’s heartbeat up to 70-80% of their maximum rate, can help dissolve Blood clots.” Other reports state that “long distance running can be effectively used to cure cancers.” These reports can serve as preliminary interpretations for the Medical Qigong principles on the efficacy of the fast walking and breathing methods for preventing or treating cancer.
Social Oncology – Establishing a Cancer Support Group
In the late 1990s, Cancer groups were established in China in order to support the cancer out-patients, this special practice was known as “Social Oncology.” Social Oncology was created by the Cancer Recovery Society in China, for the purpose of supporting human interaction, and to assist cancer patients in their quick recovery of health.
These cancer recovery groups met daily in the parks throughout China, practicing self-healing (in particular, Guo Lin’s Cancer Recovery Qigong and Walking Qigong Therapy). After practice, the groups gather together for about an hour to socialize in a nearby tea house. In this form of Social Oncology, the patients sing songs, tell jokes, laugh, introduce new members, read poems and tell stories that highlight the possibilities of recovery from cancer. As part of the social meeting, the group regularly sings “Happy Birthday” to each patient who has an anniversary of their cancer diagnosis. Laughter becomes a top priority in Social Oncology, and is considered the strongest medicine for healing.
According to Dr. Roger Jahnke, O.M.D., the advantages of Social Oncology fall into three categories:
- Its Power to Reduce Stress: The social healing aspect of the patient’s recovery program serves as a constant reminder that their physical healing is enhanced when they become lighthearted and free of worry.
- The Power of Testimony: Each day in their social healing session, patients hear stories of close recovery friends who prove the benefits of healing from various forms of Medical Qigong.
- The Value of Love and Encouragement From Friends: Because depression, fear, worry and isolation are like food to cancer, Social Oncology provides fun, encouragement and a deep, caring interpersonal connection within the recovery group.
Social Oncology within the Hospitals
In the late 1990s, several Medical Qigong Hospitals in China followed the same clinical protocols and induction procedures, described as follows:
- First, when the patients check-in, they are assigned a support group consisting of cancer survival patients. This support group consists of previous and current patients who have survived the same type of cancer as the entering patient.
- Second, in order to assist the patient in healing and to give them every emotional advantage in their recovery, they are forbidden to receive visitation, phone calls, letters, watch TV, or read newspapers for six weeks. This is because, sometimes visiting relatives and acquaintances can prevent the patient from progressing in their healing. Instead, the patients are surrounded with an active support group of loving and caring individuals who focus the new patient’s intention on practicing the cancer destroying prescriptions, as well as valuing the patient as a whole. Within a short time period, the new patients shift their internal dialog and begin a healthier, more productive mental attitude.
This concept of Clinical Social Oncology is based on the belief that the patient’s Spirit changes their emotional perspective, which in turn changes their mental thinking and alters their physical body. It was recently discovered that the group of breast cancer patients, who participated in the Stanford Hospital Cancer Support Group, lived twice as long as the women who refused to join the group. The contributing factor for this difference in longevity was believed to be the love, support and social aspect of the cancer support group. This has recently given rise to the increase of several support groups in the United States now being established for patients recovering from AIDS, Heart Attacks, and several types of cancer.
Cancer Research
Noted research scientist Feng Lida pioneered cancer research in China by showing that emitted Qi from Qigong masters produced marked changes in cell cultures of cancer cells from mice. Several studies reported the effects of emitted Qi on tumors in animals. For example, emitted Qi was reported to inhibit the growth of implanted malignant tumors in mice but did not destroy the tumors. Encouraged by the results with animals, researchers carried out clinical research on the effects of Medical Qigong on human subjects with cancer.
In this study, 127 patients with medically diagnosed malignant cancer were divided into a Qigong group of 97 patients and a control group of 30 patients. All patients received drugs, and the Qigong group practiced Medical Qigong for more than 2 hours a day over a period from 3 to 6 months. Both groups improved, but the Medical Qigong group showed improvements four to nine times greater than the control group for strength, appetite, diarrhea free, and weight gain of 3 kg. The phagocytic rate, which a measure of the immune function, also increased in the Medical Qigong group, but decreased in the control group. These cancer treatment results were gathered and compiled from clinical research available in Database format by Dr. Kenneth M. Sancier, and distributed by the Qigong Institute of Menlo Park, California.
In review, cancer is defined by Traditional Chinese Medicine as, “An obstruction of Qi and Blood circulation resulting in Stagnation”. The root cause for cancer is the breakdown of the patient’s Yuan Qi. Once cancer becomes established within the patient’s body, and/or metastasizes, it is difficult to heal.
In order for cancer to form it must escape the body’s immune system, undergo many divisions, and produce countless generations of cells without resistance. By the time the cancer cells have formed into a cluster/mass, a fixed pattern has been established to support its existence and survival.
Our defense mechanisms cut off physical pain by withdrawing our consciousness from the part of the body that is in pain. This allows the tumor or cancer cells to grow unobstructed. We generally cut off our mental and emotional anguish by tensing our muscles and repressing these painful emotions into our unconscious. To keep these emotions repressed in the unconscious just below the level of conscious awareness, we create all sorts of distractions in our lives in order to take our attention away from them. We either misdirect or repress great amounts of energy to avoid feeling pain. This misdirection of life force energy creates Qi Deviations, which can lead to energetic obstructions paving the way for the tumor or cancer growth.
Only when the patient’s Yuan Qi is returned to its original state can the body begin to heal itself. Cancer treatment methods strengthen the Anti-Pathogenic Qi (True Qi) which strengthens and cultivates the Yuan Qi and returns the body to its natural state of Yin and Yang balance.